Acne Vulgaris Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Acne Vulgaris Causes, Symptoms, Treatment 1

Acne vulgaris is a skin disease and found in men and women equally. Acne includes whiteheads, blackheads, zits, pimples, outbreaks of lesions and deeper lumps. It appears on face, shoulders, back, upper arms and chest.



Cysts papules



Secondary lesions:

Scratched spots
Pigmented macules
Erythematous macules


Levels of hormones increase and skin glands produce more oil during puberty. These oils help to keep the skin moist. When oil mixes with dead skin cells, acne vulgaris gets start. The mixture becomes infected with bacteria and result is redness, pus-acne and swelling. Sometimes, it can be developed by specific medications. In some cases, hormones pass by mother to newborn baby, and baby gets acne.


It can be associated mild to severe. Mild acne may cause blackheads and whiteheads, but severe acne may cause various pimples on the skin. These lesions can leave scars after the treatment and this acne are painful. Acne can lead to depression and low self-esteem.


Physical examination will be performed by the doctor to diagnose the acne vulgaris. Health care provider will ask some questions about medical history from patients to determine the type of acne. There is no need of any special tests to diagnose acne.


The types of treatment depend on form of acne such as mild, moderate or severe. Treatment can include gels or specific lotions to remove the acne from the skin. Sometimes, oral medications or topical medications are prescribed by the doctor.

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