Why India Cannot Take Liberty for Granted: Lessons from Bangladesh

Why India Cannot Take Liberty for Granted: Lessons from Bangladesh

Recent remarks by the Chief Justice of India (CJI) serve as a critical reminder that liberty must never be taken for granted. Drawing attention to the situation in Bangladesh, where civil liberties are under threat, the CJI’s message is a call to action for India to remain vigilant. The events unfolding in Bangladesh highlight the fragile nature of freedom and underscore the importance of an independent judiciary in safeguarding democratic values.

Cautionary Tale from Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, the suppression of dissent and the curtailment of free speech have raised alarms about the state of democracy in the region. These developments should resonate deeply in India, where the foundations of democracy are built on the principles of liberty and justice. The CJI’s emphasis on the judiciary’s role in protecting individual rights is timely, as it underscores the judiciary’s duty to act as a bulwark against authoritarianism.

Role of Citizens in Protecting Liberty

However, the responsibility of protecting liberty does not rest solely with the judiciary. Citizens, too, play a crucial role. The events in Bangladesh remind us that complacency can lead to the erosion of freedoms. It is imperative that the public remains engaged, informed, and ready to defend their rights.

Lessons for India’s Democracy

India, as the world’s largest democracy, must draw lessons from Bangladesh’s current predicament. Freedom is not a static condition but a dynamic state that requires constant nurturing. It is the collective responsibility of the judiciary, the government, and the citizens to ensure that the liberties we cherish are preserved for future generations.


The situation in Bangladesh is a cautionary tale for all democracies. It serves as a powerful reminder that the preservation of liberty demands vigilance, courage, and a commitment to justice. India must heed these lessons and take proactive steps to safeguard the freedoms that are integral to its democratic identity.

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