Would You Sell House To Invest In Bitcoin? A Dutchman Did

Would You Sell House To Invest In Bitcoin? A Dutchman Did 1

A Dutchman Didi Taihuttu sold his luxury four-bedroom house for a unique reason that may sould silly to many. He bought cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin and Ethereum from the money and is now living in a tiny cabin in the southeastern Netherlands with his wife and three children.

The 39-year-old believes blockchain and cryptocurrency are revolutionizing the monetary system and he is responding to the change now.

He was inspired to invest in the virtual currencies when on a trip through Asia and Australia in 2016 following the death of his father due to cancer. It was a tough period for him and sold his business to thereafter go travelling with his family.

During his travel through Asia and Australia he met several people using digital currencies. He met a trader in Bitcoin on a beach near Noosa who was from Dubai and also a South African cryptocurrency trader in Bali.

Taihuttu sold his house for 300,000 euro along with his car, motorbike, electric bikes, shoes, clothing and children’s toys.

He added people might say the family is crazy but they are adventurous people and believes life could be boring if risk is not taken.

His kids are now being raised with fewer possessions and away from being too materialistic as material things don’t make you happy, but just create distractions.

In 2009 one US dollar was worth about 1300 Bitcoin and in 2017 the value of one Bitcoin has been as high as $US7000.

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