12 random facts that will blow your mind

12 random facts that will blow your mind

With billions of species, organisms, animals, plants leaving on the widespread planet in 190+ countries. Earth is indeed an interesting, fascinating, and weirdly good planet. And here are some randomly interesting facts that will blow your mind.

Glaciers hold 70% of the world’s freshwater

12 random facts that will blow your mind

We all know that 96% of the world’s water is in the oceans BUT that is only saltwater. 70 percent of the earth’s freshwater is stored in glaciers and icecaps.

Armadillo’s shell is bulletproof

12 random facts that will blow your mind

Y’all remember the holiday armadillo from friends, yes it was funny but this is the real armadillo. Armadillos are kind of mammals that are found in central America or mostly in Texas. These animals have a hard shell protecting their body and these small shells are actually bulletproof. Once a Texas man tried to shoot the mammal and the bullet rebounded and hit the man’s jaw.

Mount Everest is bigger

12 random facts that will blow your mind

We don’t know if the mountain has grown taller in size but a recent measurement was done by china and Nepal representatives showed a difference of numbers though it is not that big compare to when it was first measured it has grown.

The first reading in 1955 showed 29,000 ft. above sea level and the latest reading showed 29,031.69 ft.

Tiny jeans pocket

12 random facts that will blow your mind

Ever wondered why there are tiny pockets in your jeans, well it’s not to keep your pennies or dimes. The tiny pocket is intended to keep pocket watches safely, the first tiny pocket jeans were designed by Levi’s in their overalls in the 1890s.

Though people don’t really use this pocket it is still present in your jeans.

A hashtag is technically called an octothorpe

12 random facts that will blow your mind

Hashtags have been used extensively over the decade, the ‘octo-‘ prefix corresponds to the eight points in the common symbol according to Merriam-Webster dictionary, but ‘thorpe’ has remained unsolved.

Some argue it’s an old English word for “village” since this sign denotes a village surrounded by 8-fields!

Some cats are allergic to humans

12 random facts that will blow your mind

Y’all who run away from cats claiming to allergic you are not alone some cats are allergic to you too. It might be a bit strange for people to come to terms with it but yes they get allergic to the people who shed dander cells.

You cannot buy Coca-Cola in Cuba and North-Korea

12 random facts that will blow your mind

Who on earth doesn’t like Coca-Cola people find this fizzy soda very comforting, you can buy this drink almost anywhere on earth except for Cuba and North Korea. A BBC report stated that this world-famous drink is yet to make an official entrance into these two countries.

Unicorn is Scotland’s national animal

12 random facts that will blow your mind

Though unicorns are legendary, fabled, and mystical creatures, it did not stop Scotland from naming it their national animal. YES, the unicorn is Scotland’s national animal. Unicorns have been associated with Scotland for centuries.

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Turinabol (4-chlorodéshydrométhyltestostérone) est le complément numéro un pour améliorer les performances en salle de sport. Des études montrent qu’il peut augmenter la masse musculaire, la force et les performances physiques. De plus, il offre un certain nombre d’autres avantages pour la santé, tels que la protection contre les maladies neurologiques. Turinabol (4-chlorodéshydrométhyltestostérone) est l’un des suppléments les plus testés au monde et possède un profil de sécurité exceptionnel. Prendre Turinabol (4-chlorodéshydrométhyltestostérone) comme supplément est très populaire parmi les athlètes et les culturistes afin de gagner du muscle, d’améliorer Turanabol pour garder votre corps en forme la force et d’améliorer les performances physiques. Lorsque vous complétez Turinabol (4-chlorodéshydrométhyltestostérone), vous augmentez vos réserves de phosphocréatine. Il s’agit d’une forme d’énergie stockée dans les cellules, car elle aide votre corps à produire davantage d’une molécule à haute énergie appelée ATP.

has more islands than any other countries

12 random facts that will blow your mind

Sweden has the most islands out of 190+ countries on the planet. 2,21,800 islands are in Sweden but most of these islands are not habited.

43 countries have royal families

12 random facts that will blow your mind

The British royal family is the most famous and popular royal family in the world but there are 28 royal families in 43 countries including Belgium, Bhutan, Cambodia, Denmark, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Qatar, Vatican city.

 9% of the world’s forest lies in Canada

12 random facts that will blow your mind

No wonder why Canada is such a beautiful country, from mountain ranges to fields Canada has everything but it owns something more than the rest of the world that is forest, Canada has 9 percent of the world’s forest, isn’t it fascinating!

Facebook has more population than china

12 random facts that will blow your mind

If Facebook was a country it would definitely beat china’s population. Currently, Facebook has over 2 billion users with people adding in every day, and china’s population is around 1.40 billion which falls behind the number of people having a Facebook account.

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