Malaysia seeking to improve ties with North Korea

Malaysia seeking to improve ties with North Korea 1

Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said Wednesday the country is still having problem with North Korea and they are ready to settle it. He was speaking on the eve of the anniversary of Kim Jong Un’s estranged half-brother assassination.

The high-profile murder occurred two years ago at Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia and critics believe the execution was done on orders of Kim.

Two women then were alleged to had sprayed a deadly nerve agent in the face of half-brother and he shortly died.

The brazen assassination sparked swift international reaction against the communist regime and United States reclassified it as a state sponsor of terrorism. Considering the murder as one of the reasons more sanctions were later imposed on North Korea.

Mohamad meanwhile indicated willingness to address Malaysian problem with North Korea saying, “We have a problem with North Korea following the death of the North Korean here… Malaysia will settle its problem with North Korea later… On whether we will reopen our embassy, we will settle that problem later.”

Following the murder Malaysia closed its embassy in North Korea and has not been opened until now. Lately Mohamad said the reopening is being considered.

Commenting on the scheduled summit of Kim with US President Donald Trump in Hanoi the prime minister said, “Any attempt by any country to work with Malaysia will be welcomed. What we don’t want to see is confrontation and conflict.”

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