The Benefits of Omega-3 Oil

The Benefits of Omega-3 Oil 1

Fish oil is an excellent and well known source of vitamin A and omega-3. Omega 3 oils found in the fatty tissues of deep sea fish can help one maintain a healthy mind and body. A daily diet that includes fish oil could keep the brain healthy, body fit and aging at bay by regulating the hormonal responses that govern mind and body functions.

In 1970, two Danish researchers look into the health effects of the deep-sea-fish diet of Eskimos in Greenland. First, they found out that there are only two cases of atherosclerosis in a period of four years. The researchers were delighted to know about the low rate of arthritis among the Greenland Eskimos, in spite of a pound a day of whale and seal meat diet. In addition, they observed that chronic inflammatory diseases are rare in spite of their high-cholesterol, high-fat diet.

The second New England Journal study revealed that diets enriched with oils from the fatty tissues of deep sea fish appeared to have anti-inflammatory effects. This could be the reason behind the low rate of arthritis and heart diseases among the Eskimos. In 2004, the Food and Drug Administration gave omega-3 oils the qualified “health claim” for being able to reduce the risk factors for chronic diseases.

These essential fatty acids found in fish oil is beneficial to people with Alzheimer’s disease. In the Alzheimer’s study supported by the National Institute on Aging, 900 mg of omega fat DHA was given to people who had mild memory loss. At the end of six months, people who took DHA supplements showed an increase in their mental alertness. DHA supplementation improves memory in cases of Alzheimer’s disease and memory loss that is brought by aging.

On the other hand, a DHA deficiency can increase stress level that can cause brain DHA depletion and low blood levels in AD patients. Thus, nutritionists have long endorsed fish as a must-have part of AD patients daily diet. A Chicago study on omega-3 showed 60% reduction in the rate of Alzheimer’s disease in people who had one fish for every meal for a week.

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