Characteristics of a Christian Homeschool

Characteristics of a Christian Homeschool

For many parents, there is the realization that there has been a withdrawal away from common Christian values as well as a de-emphasis on education in general in private and public schools. For this reason, many families have turned to homeschooling with a emphasis on teaching Christian values and principles. What actually constitutes a Christian homeschooling experience is as varied as the different types of Christians there are in the world. Here are a few of the fundamental characteristics of this type of homeschool.

One-on-One Designed Curriculum

A well-rounded Christian home school generally uses a curriculum designed with God in mind. Most all of the subjects use biblical references and Scripture intertwined with the lessons. The curriculum is also developed around the learning level of the student in each specific subject. A child that is advanced in math need not wait for those that are still trying to catch up in order to move forward. She can move at her own pace. And by the same token a curriculum can be adjusted so as to match each topic with the specific level of the learner.

Use of the Bible as a Reference Book

In a Christian-based home school the Bible plays a major part in the child’s education. Some home schools use the Bible like any other reference book where various lessons are referenced both in standard educational materials and in the Bible. Others have Bible study as part of the daily curriculum with assignments taken from the Bible as with any other educational source. In fact, there are many published curricula that outline daily and weekly lessons that specifically use the Bible as a reference book. Check out:

  • Christian Liberty Press
  • Alpha Omega Publishing
  • Bob Jones University Publishing
  • Christian Heritage Publishers

There are many other publishers as well. Whether the homeschooling family is Catholic, Independent Christian, or Baptist (among other denominations), the Bible is an important tool used.

Religious History

The Christian home school will include not only the important moments in human history, but will put these high points into a religious perspective. Christianity has played a major role in the history of virtually every culture and society since its conception. A Christian-based home school experience will examine the relationship between Christianity and world history.

An Inclusive View of Science

Science can be viewed as an examination of humankind’s understanding of the relationships between itself and the universe. Creationism is the basis in a well-rounded Christian home school curriculum. God plays an important part in all scientific discussions, and every concept is related to something God has done to make all things possible.

Moral Values and Ethics

A Christian home school can incorporate moral and ethical themes at anytime in the learning curriculum. Using the Bible and other Christian writings, a homeschooled student can be given a sound foundation in ethical behavior and morals based on Christian principals.

The most important part of a well-rounded Christian home school experience is that it can be tailored and modified to fit anyone’s desires and requirements for excellence. No matter whether the individual is a staunch Christian fundamentalist or a modern Christian libertarian, there is a Christian homeschool curriculum to match.

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