Eco-Friendly, Green Vacation Is On The Rise

Eco-Friendly, Green Vacation Is On The Rise 1

Hotel Employees can Help Keep a Hotel Eco-Friendly

Guests are not the only ones that can help a hotel reduce waste and their impact on the environment, hotel employees are just as big a part of the process as anyone. Encouraging recycling in break rooms, providing reusable drinking and eating utensils, requiring computers and other electronics to be shut off at the end of the work day, and emphasizing the importance of being green is just the beginning of a long list of ways to do so.

Departments within the property can make it fun and entice each other to be the ‘greenest’ department on a monthly basis with programs and contests. Employees are often the best ambassadors for the places they work, and if they are practicing green efforts, the more likely the guests will too.

Ecologically Responsible Beach Retreat Offers Green Living Vacation

CESiak, located on the Caribbean Cost of Mexico, is a beach retreat and resort boasting to be one of the top ecologically responsible places to vacation. Wind and sun power the buildings and rainwater is collected and filtered for use, and the huts used for accommodations did not require any clearing of additional land. Low-impact tourist activities, such as kayaking, fly fishing and sightseeing promote greater awareness of the natural resources found within the 1.3 million-acre property.

CESiak is just one of many resorts that provide a well suited model for other sustainable tourism projects, such as beach resorts and city hotels alike.

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