Fresh Violence In Tripoli; Families Fleeing; Facebook Inaccessible

Fresh Violence In Tripoli; Families Fleeing; Facebook Inaccessible 1

Following fresh violence in Libyan capital Tripoli between rival militias since August 27 about two thousand families have fled to nearby towns or other districts seeking shelter. Until now more than fifty people have been killed and 138 others injrued. Mostly civilians are the victims and United Nations is trying to initiate and host talks to halt the fighting.

Updating the toll the health ministry said many civilians are still trapped inside. Some of them are refusing to leave their homes fearing property could be looted in their absence.

However, the families who are trapped need food and water. Rescuers who were trying to assist the people were attacked from unidentified assailants. It is learned Ambulances have also been stolen from the area.

UN mission in Libya has invited all concerned parties for a talk and end the fighting. Press will not be allowed in the talks and it is not revealed who are the parties being invited for the meeting.

Tripoli has been centre of combat between armed groups since director Moamer Kadhafi was toppled and killed.

Meanwhile, Facebook has been blocked in the city as the platform has been used for news in the country. Several people have confirmed it is inaccessible.

Newspapers play no role in the country and those are not independent too. Journalists are often threatened for critical coverage.

It is not known who was behind the Facebook blockage.

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