Health Benefits of Drinking Cranberry Juice

Cranberry juice benefits

There is a lot of health benefits linked to Cranberry. Just like every other nutrient-rich food, eating Cranberry as a whole would be the best way to gather its health benefits.  

But, due to its convenience, most people prefer drinking cranberry juice. Drinking Cranberry juice still has a lot of health benefits and effects that are good for you.

It is general knowledge that Cranberry juice is very healthy for females as it assists in preventing urinary tract infection (UTI), which is more common in females.

This doesn’t mean the health benefits of drinking cranberry juice are limited to females. If you are a male, drinking cranberry juice is still good for you.

Health Benefits of Drinking Cranberry Juice

Throughout history, cranberry juice has been reliably used to treat:

  • Liver problems
  • Upset stomach
  • Urinary issues

Just like every other berry, they grow in marshes and typically water-harvested. After they ripen, they begin floating in the water. Due to this, cranberries are often left there for long periods of time before being picked.

This prolonged position leads them to stay exposed to sunlight, which increases their nutritional value. While moving forward, let’s talk about each of these health benefits of drinking cranberry juice one by one.

Rich in Vitamin C and E

Unsweetened, pure cranberry juice is very rich healthy vitamins like vitamin C and vitamin E. Along with providing ample quantities of these two vitamins, numerous other vitamins and minerals are also present in cranberry juice, including:

  • copper: 15% of the DV
  • vitamin E: 20% of the DV
  • vitamin K1: 11% of the DV
  • vitamin B6: 8% of the DV
  • vitamin C: 26% of the daily value (DV)

Vitamin C and E are the most important ones out this bulk as apart from being in large quantities in cranberry juice, they also include antioxidants that provide numerous health benefits.   

Prevent urinary tract infections

It is one of the most popular and renowned benefits of Cranberry. Cranberries include a class of compounds called proanthocyanidins that are part of plants.

It is widely agreed that proanthocyanidins can stop bacteria from linking to the urinary lining, which, in turn, prevents urinary tract infections.  

Bacteria fuel the infections, and due to the blockage caused by drinking cranberry juice, this process is intercepted that prevents urinary tract infections.

Urinary tract infections can happen to anyone, but females are more prone to catching it. So, it is safe to say that cranberry juice benefits females more in this aspect.

On the other hand, there have been a few negative research outcomes as well that claim that Cranberry juice is not effective in treating UTIs.

It is clear that more Research and examinations are called for in the future.

Heart Health

Out of all the health benefits of cranberry juice, this one is most impressive. There is a massive population in the world that is suffering from some kind of heart problem.

It is believed that Cranberry juice contains some additional phytonutrients that possess anti-inflammatory qualities.

The most common reason for damaged blood vessels is Inflammation that does so over time. With the help of phytonutrients, this process is slowed gradually that reduces the risk of heart diseases.

There has been some research that backs our claim when we say Cranbury juice benefits females and males in a broadway.

Rich in antioxidants

Similar to other berries and fruits, most of the health benefits that accrue from drinking cranberry juice are due to its antioxidants constituency. It contains:

  • Quercetin
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin C

Antioxidants are one of the critical parts of body health. They are found in abundant quantity in liquid drinks like Jasmine Tea and cranberry juice. Their role is to reduce the free radicals that lead to body cell damage. Due to this cell damage, free radicals are the major reason for the aging process. They also contribute to the development of some chronic illnesses like heart disease and even cancer.

According to the Research conducted by the Journal of Nutrition, cranberries and juice can have a major role in eradicating cancer.

That being said, there has not been a conclusive answer to support these claims. But we do know that eating different whole fruits, including berries, has a lot of health benefits associated with them.

Better digestive health

In the very same way the nutrients present in cranberry juice benefits the heart health, the digestive system can also be improved.

As per a recent study, it was concluded that Cranberry’s consumption could prevent the bacteria Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) form multiplying and growing in the lining of the stomach.  

 This is essential as stomach ulcers are developed only when the H. Coli bacteria is spread.

Cranberry has also shown positive outcomes against colon cancer in animals. But it is highly unlikely that drinking cranberry juice would in this matter.  

Importance of choosing your juice carefully

Health benefits of cranberry juice
Image credits: Getty Images

As mentioned above, the nutrition level in raw Cranberry is unmatched by its juice. But there is still a large chunk of benefits from drinking cranberry juice.

While choosing healthy cranberry juice, you need to be cautious, though. There are many juices available that are labeled as cranberry juices but are not really.

It would also help if you were not confused between cranberry juice cocktail and real cranberry juice.

In the cocktail, there is a chunk of added sugars like high fructose corn syrup, which is very unhealthy for you. These drinks are mostly mixed, with only a small quantity of real Cranberry.

You must always look for trusted brands that label “100% cranberry” or other sweeteners that are safe like grape juice or apple on the packaging to ensure its pureness.

Key takeaway

If you are drinking cranberry juice on a regular basis, there are many health benefits that you can gain. If you are also suffering from specific health conditions, you drink cranberry juice to assist your medical treatment.

In some cases, Cranberry juice can incidentally make conditions, for example, indigestion, more terrible because it is somewhat acidic. A few people find that cranberry juice leaves a surprising preference for their mouth or briefly disturbs their gums and lips.

An examination into the advantages of cranberry juice is, for the most part, positive, as the cell reinforcement and antibacterial advantages look promising.

Many people do not find it difficult to add cranberry juice to their diet on a regular basis as ut highly convenient. 

Would you add cranberry juice to your diet? Do let us know your thoughts in the comments section down below.

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