How to Prevent and Treat Jet Lag

jet lag

The fatigue and discomfort caused by crossing time zones in a plane – jet lag – is well known by most long distance travellers. Jet lag can vary in degree from mildly uncomfortable to incapacitating; it is annoying for holidaymakers and a real problem for people trying to do business. But with a few simple steps its effects can be minimized or prevented. Here’s how to beat jet lag.

Things to do in Advance to Prevent Jet Lag

Some people suggest gradually shifting one’s sleep-wake cycle to that of the destination. Travellers can begin several days before departure, changing at the rate of around half an hour per day. Even doing this by an hour or two will help. It is also a good idea for travelers to make sure they are healthy and well rested before the flight. Tired and unhealthy people are likely to suffer more from jet lag.

Jet Lag Tips For Before and During the Flight

It is a good idea to reset one’s watch at the beginning of the flight to the destination time, and start living by that time; ie sleep when it is nighttime at the destination, and eat when it is meal time.
Drinking plenty of water is extremely beneficial. The air on jet planes is very dry, and many of the symptoms thought to be caused by jet lag are actually those of dehydration. Alcohol and caffeine increase dehydration, so they should be avoided if possible.

Exercising on the plane will be good for a traveller’s general health and will help prevent DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis), as well as making it easier to him to sleep at the appropriate times.

There are homeopathic remedies which will help prevent jet lag. One of these is arnica, which is useful for many things and should be carried in any traveller’s homeopathic first aid kit. There are also herbs for insomnia and other natural cures for insomnia, which may also be useful for jet lag.

Jet Lag Remedies and Cures

After arrival at the destination the traveler is likely to feel much better than he expected if he has followed the above advice. However, there are various things he can do if actually suffering from jet lag. Protein rich food will help, so an omelette for breakfast is a good idea. Sunlight will help his body realize when it is time to be awake, so spending time in well-lit places is a good idea. Rest is essential, but if possible sleep at the nighttime at the destination, just taking cat naps at other times.

Jet lag is a physiological phenomenon, caused by the fact that there are a number of processes in the body, apart from the sleep cycle, which are on a 24 hour cycle. It will take a little while for the body to adjust, no matter what the traveller does. So it is as well to be gentle with oneself after a long flight. However, the above suggestions are likely to be of value.

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