How to Take Care of Your Baby’s Fingers and Toes

How to Take Care of Your Baby's Fingers and Toes 1

It is general knowledge that the newborn baby’s entire body is highly delicate and the fact truly applies to their fingers and toes as well. They are tiny and certainly require special attention. Making sure that the nails of the newborn are clean and trimmed is very important due to hygienic reasons.

Some parents may figure that the nails of the babies are very fragile and therefore do not need to be trimmed but let me tell you it is completely wrong to think so because when the nails are big enough they can be harmful to the newborn as well as the parents as the newborn does not have developed motor control which mean they will be swinging their arms around and which will lead to scratches all over the body. Also, the fingernails of the babies grow very fast so regular trimming is important.

Check toes and fingers frequently

Due to the fact that newborn nails grow rapidly, it is important to keep on checking their toes and fingers frequently so that you can trim the nails as soon as they get big enough. The best time to do so is to check the nails at every diaper change.

After trimming, if you notice that there are certain injuries, most probably they will heal on their own but if there is some kind of infection then you need to have a doctor’s opinion on that.

Keep feet covered

It is important to keep your baby’s feet covered for protection and warmth regardless of the climate. Also, baby socks are sometimes very easy to get rid of and are not very effective for this purpose. You can use Baby Coveralls for this purpose.

Keep an eye for ingrown toenails

Even in the adults, ingrown toenails can be really painful and you do not want this suffering for your baby so it is best to regularly keep an eye for any kind of ingrown toenail and trim those toenails regularly to avoid that situation.

Protect hands using baby mittens

Baby mittens are highly efficient in preventing your baby’s hand from any kind of damage and for keeping your baby from scratching.

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