Lack Of These Elements In Your Body Can Result In Baldness

Lack Of These Elements In Your Body Can Result In Baldness

Hair growth has become is big trouble and it is growing constantly among teenagers rather than old agers. It has not even left the star celebrities out of the list, the beauty mogul Kylie Jenner has also stated in several interviews that she needs to focus on her hair growth. 

You can see the increasing demand for hair extensions, wigs, and PRP. Hair transplantation treatments have grown tenfold over the years.

You might wonder, despite all care and precautions, why hair loss? There might be a lot of reasons behind it. Some of them include excess use of hair care products, improper diet, and sometimes hereditary which can pose a major problem in prevention.

 It is important to know that this problem does not always come from genetic factors. Science tells us that hair loss or baldness is not a genetic problem like muscular dystrophy.

The main reason for this is the lack of certain essential elements in the body. But the defect of those elements is hereditary. Inheritance is not limited to genes passed down from one generation to another. Instead, sometimes even a nutritional deficiency is passed down from one generation to another.

Lack Of These Elements In Your Body Can Result In Baldness

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Biotin is an essential element for hair. It is also known as Vitamin B since it compresses one of the vitamin B elements. Lack of it will thin the hair. Its defect can also cause nails to break. Symptoms of biotin deficiency include muscle fatigue, weakness, dizziness, and numbness in the legs. It is an essential element for the body. But it is very important for hair and nails.


It might sound a bit odd to have a copper deficiency in the body. But if for any reason it is lacking it will affect the health of the hair and nails. Usually in a country like India, there is no copper problem in the body. But if it is lacking there will be unbearable pain in the knees and joints.


Collagen is an element that strengthens the hair roots. It is the prime structural protein that strengthens and thickens your hair. Its deficiency weakens the hair and can form a bald space in no time.

Lack Of These Elements In Your Body Can Result In Baldness

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B complex is very important for hair. Its deficiency can cause serious health problems. Vitamin B6 is important for the health of our hair. If there is a deficiency of this vitamin, the hair will become weak. Mostly swollen and bald.

 If you are having a constant hair loss which you have been ignoring it is better to get tested sooner than later in order to save those precious ones rooting for you. Once a good trichologist has done the necessary tests together to find out the cause of hair loss and fill in that vitamin‌ deficiency can prevent hair loss.

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