National emergency will equally be choking America as Wall

National emergency will equally be choking America as Wall 1

President Trump loves the Wall, which is lately choking America amid partial shutdown that has stepped into third week. He hates the government too and this could be the reason he threatened to keep the shutdown for months or even years if Congress does not agrees funding construction of US-Mexico border wall.

Following a failed meeting with the leaders lately Trump threatened to declare a national emergency to fund the wall. The threat is typical and Wall is now in American politics.

The Wall was first noticed in a December 12 press release from Department of Homeland Security. The article titled “Walls Work” referred miles of border wall.

Couple of weeks later Trump briefed to media about giving out a hundred and fifteen miles worth of wall in Texas and America will have more great walls.

It was December 27 when the president tweeted that wall of Israel works 99.9 percent in terms of security. Truly, there is Wall everywhere in Israel. The Wall there runs along the road and also perpendicular to itself in the shape of T. It looks as if every side of the wall is another side of the wall. It is a substance rather being an object.

Is it, Trump exactly means this by saying about Wall? He said Israeli wall works. This mean his love of Wall too is infinite similar to Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu.

If not, do Trump wants to talk tough on immigration by using the word Wall? Shutting down now seems draining the swamp. The lid of it is Wall that covers and suffocates it. And a national emergency would be another way to choke America after the Wall.

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