Permanent Eyeliner : Procedure, Pros, Cons, Cost and More

permanent eyeliner

Permanent Eyeliner – Mastering the art of applying flawless eyeliner can be a tiresome and time-consuming endeavour. If you’ve ever found yourself standing in front of the mirror, attempting to use a pencil or liquid liner, you’ll understand the struggle I’m referring to.

The challenges are numerous, from watery eyes and uneven lines to smudged liquid. These frustrations can quickly mount up.

Unsurprisingly, permanent eyeliner, a type of permanent makeup (PMU), has gained significant popularity. This procedure is classified as “permanent” because the pigment used to create the line can remain in your skin indefinitely. However, the colour’s longevity and visibility will gradually diminish over time. In essence, describing it as a semi-permanent procedure that eliminates the need for daily eyeliner application is more accurate.

To delve deeper into the intricacies of permanent eyeliner procedures, continue reading below.

What Is Permanent Eyeliner Tattoo?

Often referred to as an eyeliner tattoo, permanent eyeliner eliminates the need for daily eyeliner application. According to Nazarian, an expert in the field, permanent eyeliner involves depositing pigment beneath the skin along the lash line, similar to tattooing. It’s important to note that while the ink used is permanent, touch-ups are typically required every three to five years.

Eyeliner tattoos offer various styles, ranging from subtle and natural-looking thin lines to bolder and more defined looks like a winged eyeliner. An experienced professional, Ton starts by guiding her clients through a design process that determines the most suitable style for their eye shape. As a preliminary step, she often suggests a less-permanent lash line enhancement, which serves as a trial run for the desired permanent eyeliner styles.

Permanent Eyeliner Pros/Cons


  • Bid farewell to the necessity of eyeliner application
  • Accentuates the contours of your eyes
  • Maintains its effect for a duration of two to five years before requiring a touch-up
  • A sought-after procedure for individuals experiencing sparse lashes, hair loss, or alopecia, aimed at elevating the appearance of the eye region.


  • The longevity of colour varies based on personal skin type, with thicker skin experiencing faster fading.
  • While the fading process is gradual, it can be influenced by lifestyle choices (exposure to sunlight), individual body chemistry, and age.
  • Maintaining this beauty practice can be associated with higher costs.

What to Expect During Tattoo Eyeliner Appointment?

Through years of refinement, the technique of eyeliner tattoo has evolved into a comfortable treatment, dispelling any misconceptions you may have heard. The entire service typically lasts 45 minutes to an hour, during which the area is numbed beforehand.

As the needle applies the ink along the lash line, you may experience a gentle buzzing sensation. While the skin is slightly broken during the initial pass of the hand, proper numbing ensures you won’t encounter bleeding or discomfort. The advancements in eyeliner tattoos have come a long way since your mother, aunt, or even grandmother underwent the procedure and described it as painful. Initially, the perceived pain served as a deterrent for many individuals.

However, Ton emphasises her technique’s relaxation, stating, “Clients who have received eyeliner procedures from me consistently report a high comfort level and minimal pain. Some even mention being so at ease that they could fall asleep throughout the entire procedure. You may feel a slight tickling on your lashes, but little else.”


Over the years, the technique of eyeliner tattoo has been refined and has become a comfortable procedure, contrary to any misconceptions you may have heard. The duration of the service typically ranges from 45 minutes to one hour, and prior to the application, the area is numbed to ensure your comfort.

As the needle deposits the ink along the lash line, you may experience a gentle buzzing sensation. Although the skin is lightly broken during the initial needle pass, proper numbing prevents any bleeding or discomfort.

Eyeliner tattoo has significantly advanced from the days when your mother, aunt, or even grandmother underwent the procedure and expressed its painful nature. In its early days, the perceived pain served as a deterrent for many individuals.

Ton confidently asserts that her technique is remarkably relaxing, as her clients consistently report a high level of comfort and minimal pain. Some even claim they could easily drift off to sleep during the entire procedure. You may only feel a slight tickling sensation on your lashes, and little else.

How much does a permanent eyeliner tattoo cost?

The cost of permanent eyeliner can differ, but as a general estimate, you can anticipate a range of $600 to $1000. The final price is influenced by factors such as the chosen permanent eyeliner styles, colour, and thickness.


Following an eyeliner tattoo, the recovery period is minimal, and it is typical for the colour to fade within two to three weeks naturally. In case you experience sensitivity along the lash line, applying a thin layer of Vaseline once or twice a day for a week can help moisturize the area and prevent additional irritation. Refusing to rub your eyes and wearing eye makeup is advisable until you feel confident and at ease.


Whether you decide to go for a permanent eyeliner tattoo or explore a lash line enhancement, there are alternatives for individuals seeking the appearance of eyeliner without the associated effort. Various factors can influence the longevity of your liner tattoo. Results may vary for each person depending on lifestyle and daily activities.

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