Pros and Cons of Pacifier

Pros and Cons of Pacifier 1

Pacifiers have become a common and inexpensive way to soothe babies. Babies can become dependent rather quickly and before long, parents cannot leave the house without several pacifiers in case one is lost. Sometimes an older baby may have multiple “binkies” in the crib at night for self-soothing. The question becomes, are pacifiers a help or a hindrance?


Pacifiers can be helpful when a baby wants to suck nearly all of its waking hours. For a breastfeeding mother, that can feel like 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Even a motivated breastfeeding mother cannot always meet her baby’s demands if her baby is satisfied nutritionally but still has a need to suckle for long periods of time. The AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) also recommends the use of pacifiers since there seems to be a reduction in the risk of SIDS with pacifier use, although it has not been proven why pacifier use may lower the incidence of SIDS.


Giving a baby a pacifier, instead of giving the baby a bit more time on the breast can decrease the mother’s supply of breastmilk and interfere with breastfeeding success. If a pacifier is used before breastfeeding is well-established, it can cause the baby to become confused in learning how to suckle at the breast, also known as nipple confusion.

Parents who become dependent on a pacifier to soothe their baby may actually be creating more work for themselves since the baby may be relying on a pacifier to fall asleep. Running back and forth all night to pop a pacifier back into the baby’s mouth every time they wake up is not something that parents typically enjoy.

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