Protein Rich Breakfast Ideas for Vegetarian Teens

Protein Rich Breakfast Ideas for Vegetarian Teens 1

Eating a protein rich meal first thing in the morning boosts neurotransmitters that help teenagers stay alert. Also eating a protein rich breakfast can reduce the number of calories consumed in the daily teenage diet. This round up of quick breakfast ideas offers simple solutions to adding protein sources to a teen’s diet in the morning.

How Much Protein Do Vegetarian Teens Need?

WebMD and a variety of other sources recommend that an adequate teenage diet includes up to 52 grams or protein a day for boys and that teenage girls eat at least 46 grams or protein per day. Starting the day with breakfast ideas that include 10 to 15 protein grams can help vegetarian teens achieve a healthy level of protein.

Granola and Yogurt Parfait Ideas

“Yogurt parfait” sounds fancy, but it only means that yogurt is layered with other ingredients. A yogurt parfait can be assembled in seconds with simple ingredients such as granola, nuts and fruit and can provide plenty of morning protein to a healthy teenage diet.

An 8-ounce serving of yogurt has approximately 10 grams of protein and a half-cup of granola contains between 6 and 9 grams of protein, depending on the brand or recipe. Fruit stacked in a yogurt parfait can aid in iron absorption if the fruit is rich in vitamin C.

Breakfast Ideas Using Peanut Butter

Two tablespoons of peanut butter contain about 8 grams of protein and a slice of whole wheat bread or whole wheat bagel offers approximately 2 grams of protein. Vegetarian teens can easily consume 10 grams of protein to start their day by eating a simple breakfast of whole wheat toast and peanut butter or almond butter.

Peanut butter and yogurt smoothies can be easily assembled in a blender. Peanut butter and yogurt smoothies contain three protein-rich ingredients: yogurt, peanut butter and milk. This on-line recipe from Smoothie Recipes includes a banana, which offers potassium too, and supplies teens with at least 16 grams of protein.

Fruit such as sliced apples or bananas tastes great dipped in peanut butter. A peanut butter and banana sandwich is actually a protein rich breakfast.

Other Protein Rich Breakfast Ideas for Vegetarian Teens

Hard-boiled eggs can be prepared ahead of time and stored in the fridge as a grab and go source of protein. Protein bars or cereal bars are a convenience food for busy mornings. Quaker Quick Oats or instant oatmeal can be prepared in minutes and topped with pine nuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, etc., extra sources of protein to add to a healthy teenage diet.

Eating a protein rich breakfast can help vegetarian teens up their daily intake of needed bone building protein. Parents can print out these breakfast ideas and post them on the refrigerator for teenagers to see on a daily basis. Parents, also make sure that the kitchen is stocked with protein sources such as peanut butter, nuts, seeds and supplies to make yogurt parfaits and smoothies.

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