Science Facts: Does Exercise Really Change Your Body?

Science Facts: Does Exercise Really Change Your Body?

Does daily exercise really get you back in shape? The need to look like a picture-perfect model is tremendous and most people put lot of effort in a proper diet and regular exercise but there is 50% of these people who complain that despite their constant effort they are unable to shead a single pound so what’s the reason for it?

Exercise changes your body shape. True, this can be bypassed-but not unless you know what you are doing.

The human body is primarily dictated by genetics. Symptoms such as being obese or thin are inherited from childhood. Exercising melts fat in the body and builds muscles in good shape. There is no doubt about it. 

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Science Facts: Does Exercise Really Change Your Body?

However, it is inherited when the waist is narrow or wide, the shoulders are wide or narrow. Exercise does not cause any change in body composition. A total of 24 studies were conducted on this topic. More than three thousand people took part in it.

If you exercise for twelve weeks at the rate of three days a week, one body does not respond as another body responds. Because every one has different genetics and you cannot force your body to be strong, active like the others.

Science Facts: Does Exercise Really Change Your Body?

People should continue to exercise while maintaining a healthy regulation of everything like height, weight, age, diet, and sleep. 

Exercise keeps the body strong and flexible. The function of the internal organs of the body can be improved by constant exercise and diet. Comprehensive health depends on exercise. So exercise is good. It is also healthy to focus on body shape. But it is not healthy to expect your body to look like others body since it’s unhealthy.

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