6 Tips For Longer, Stronger, And Thicker Hair

6 Tips For Longer, Stronger, And Thicker Hair 1

Are you experimenting with different products for your hair hoping it would get thicker and longer in s short period of time? Wanting to have thicker and shinier hair is a dream from most but experimenting with various products can harm your hair than it will benefit.

There is no magical potion to make your hair grow 5x faster but there are some small steps that can help your hair grow stronger, longer, and thicker hair.

Frequent Trimmings

Getting regular trims is very vital. To get the long hair you need to get regular trims to get rid of split ends and dead hairs. Avoiding hair trimming will prevent your hair from going further and encourages the growth of split end and textured hair. If you get regular haircuts, it will prevent the growth of split ends from time to time and encourages healthy growing hair.

Avoid Coloring

Coloring your hair can be very harmful; it can damage your hair permanently. Especially opting for light colors such as blonde can damage your hair forever.

Most people who have gone blonde have experienced heavy hair loss permanent damage of cuticle, breakage, and split ends due to the bleaching agents.

So, say no to coloring.

6 Tips For Longer, Stronger, And Thicker Hair

Eat Right

The food you consume will have a direct effect on your hair. If you are not consuming the right amount of protein, vitamins, and nutrients you will see the result in your daily life your hair will start shedding excessively.

Those who dream of longer and thicker hair need to increase the source of protein, vitamins, and nutrients you consume in your everyday life.

If you are not a meat lover try nuts, whole grains, vegetables, fish, and pulses.

Condition Your Hair

Hair is exposed to dust, chemicals, and everyday pollutants. It is vulnerable and can be damaged easily. You need to repair the hair. So, what’s the best idea other than shampooing? Hair mask and conditioner. Your hair requires a lot of attention just like your skin. The shampoo is not enough you need to run the conditioner through the strands of your hair on a regular basis and also use a DIY mask once a week. Like egg and yogurt, onion and fenugreek seeds, and much more.

6 Tips For Longer, Stronger, And Thicker Hair

Cooler Shower

A hot shower can dehydrate your scalp and strip your hair from the natural oils making it produce excess oils and tangle it.

Turning your shower to a moderate temperature can help your scalp cool down. It can de-gunk your hair and wash it thoroughly without damaging or stripping nutrients and natural oils from your hair.

Avoid Heating Tools

First off avoid overusing heating tools, whether it may be a straightener or a hairdryer. If it is really a necessity use it at the lowest temperature possible than turning it to the highest point. Using high temperature can damage your hair growth hence try with low temperature to avoid very high damage. The heating spray or any other products would not protect your hair from the heat damage has they claim to do.

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