Tips to Lose Weight Without Starving

Tips to Lose Weight Without Starving 1

If you are struggling with weight control, the good news is that a healthy weight is an achievable goal. It’s not necessary to sacrifice food, go hungry for endless hours or to starve in order to lose weight. Weight lost that way easily piles back on. In extreme cases people have lost their lives ‘dieting’ due to nutrient deprivation.

Healthy eating for life combined with moderate exercise is sufficient for most adults, unless compromised by illness or pregnancy, to lose weight and keep it off.

A balanced diet must provide all the essential nutrients in the right proportions and quantities plus water and fibre.

Eat Breakfast

Eat a fibre rich meal in the morning as part of your weight loss plan. Breakfast aids in weight control by boosting metabolism and by preventing snacking on junk food.

Ditch Unhealthy Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates provide glucose for energy. They should be consumed in the form of complex sugars. It is best to eat unrefined carbohydrate like wholemeal bread and brown rice. They provide more fibre and other nutrients than refined versions such as white bread or white rice respectively.

Sweets, soft drinks, biscuits and cakes are sources of high concentrations of simple sugars. They are best avoided in order to lose weight and keep it off. They add nothing of nutritional value to the diet.

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