Tips On How To Clean Your Shower Using Homemade Solutions

Tips On How To Clean Your Shower Using Homemade Solutions 1

Whenever you get dirty, the first thought that comes to your mind is to get into the shower, but where does all the dirt and the soap go? Most of it stays on the shower surface that looks gross. You must not forget to clean a shower on a regular basis because otherwise, it is possible to attract grime bacteria or spores.


There is no fixed time period on when or how often to clean your shower, but on average, we recommend you clean your shower on a weekly basis. You can avoid this if you develop a habit cleaning the curtains and the shower each time you get out of the shower so the bacteria will not collect there early. 

Clean the shower after every use, you can use a normal bath towel and squeegee to clean the walls of the shower. This process does not take more than 60 seconds to do. 


As attractive as ceramic tile showers are, this is a big issue when it comes to the grout. If the grout is left unsealed the porous nature of it can easily attract spores. 

Things You Will Need


  • Chlorine bleach
  • A homemade mixture of 3 quarts hot water one-half cup of ammonia one-half cup of distilled white vinegar inside a spray bottle.


  • Squeegee
  • Soft old toothbrush 
  • rubber gloves 
  • sponge


1) Isolate the shower

It will be much easier to clean the shower if it is empty. You need to make sure that you remove all the toys, hoops, raises, soap bottles from the shower before beginning the process. For all the above-mentioned items, you can clean them as well using a wet cloth. Also, make sure to remove any hair from the drain.

2) Wet and ventilate

Many times, when cleaning the shower and using homemade solutions, fumes can generate which can be very dangerous for you, so before beginning the process please make sure to properly ventilate the shower. You can do so by turning on the fan of the bathroom after that you can use a bucket of water and wet the walls.

3) Remove Mildew

As mentioned above there is a problem with mild spores in case of ceramic tile showers, so you will need to make a solution of one part chlorine bleach with two parts water. Using rubber gloves, you can put the solution to watch the grout using a sponge and let it be there for at least 10 minutes. You can then use the old toothbrush to remove the solution from them and rinse the area.

4) Using the solution and waiting

It does not matter if you are using a homemade solution or a commercial cleaner, you will need to wait for at least 15 minutes to let them do their job.

5) Scrub and Rinse

Using a sponge, you can clean the entire area of the shower where you applied the solution and then rinse the area using clean water.

6) Dry Using squeegee

After proper rinsing with water, you will use a squeegee or any old towel to make sure water is removed from the entire surface. It is very important as if you do not do that, water spots can generate.


In the case of fiberglass surfaces, we need to use a solution or method that won’t scratch the surface. When there are scratches, oil settles on door scratches which makes it very difficult to clean.

Things You Will Need


  • Sponge baking soda or borax 
  • Distilled white vinegar


  • Sponge 
  • spray bottle 
  • squeegee


1) Spritz and Squeegee

Just like the previous section, you will need to remove all the accessories in the shower. After that, you will need to use the spray bottle to spray distilled white vinegar on the surface of the shower. The vinegar will do its job to remove soap scum or any other bacteria.

2) Scrubbing the surface

In order to remove grime from the fiberglass floors, you will need to scrub the floor as they are usually very textured. Here you can sprinkle some of the baking soda and let it be there for at least 10 minutes before using a sponge to rinse away all the dirtiness.


Showers made of natural stone are very expensive and add a luxurious feeling to the bathroom. You have to be very careful before using any homemade solution on them because it can really ruin the surface. We do not recommend you to use vinegar or any other cleaner that are harsh on natural stone. 

Things you will need


  • Stone sealer 
  • chlorine bleach 
  • warm water 
  • dishwashing soap


  • Spray bottle 
  • microfiber cloths


1) Clean and Spritz

Once again empty the shower and spray the walls of the shower using a solution made up of one-quarter of warm water mixed with one tablespoon dishwashing soap. Spritz down the area by the use of microfiber cloth.

2) Clean mildew

It is very much possible that you spot mildew on the stone. To treat that you will need to make a solution of one-part water and one-part chlorine bleach. Using the spray bottle, apply that made solution on the area and let it be there for at least 15 minutes before rinsing it down using a scrub or soft-bristled brush and water.

3) Reseal

One great option to prevent your natural stone shower to attract bacteria on a regular basis is that you can seal the stone using the guidelines provided by the installer to prevent any water droplets reaching the stone. After you clean the area you can use the stones sealer to seal the shower. This will be a great choice because it is really effective and it must be done only twice a year.

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