Unveiling Reality of Education at IIT Bombay Through First-Year Student’s Lens

Unveiling Reality of Education at IIT Bombay Through First-Year Student's Lens

As the gates of one of India’s most prestigious educational institutions swing open to welcome fresh faces, the reality behind the glittering facade comes to light. A recent Reddit post by a first-year student at IIT Bombay sheds a sobering light on the experience within these hallowed halls.

In a heartfelt confession, the student, known as ‘dengo302005’ on Reddit, expressed disillusionment with the touted excellence of IIT Bombay. Far from being the promised land of supreme education, the student paints a picture of frustration and uncertainty.

One of the main grievances highlighted by the student is the teaching methodology. Describing a rushed pace where “one chapter is finished in a single lecture,” the student voices concerns about the depth and effectiveness of learning. Moreover, the grading system, supposedly a measure of academic merit, is depicted as arbitrary and subjective, leaving students feeling cheated and demotivated.

Perhaps the most damning indictment of the system is the disparity in grading among students for identical assignments. The student recounts a personal experience where their submission received the lowest grade in their group, while a friend’s identical submission in another group received the highest grade. Such discrepancies undermine the very foundation of fairness and equity upon which education should stand.

Beyond the academic shortcomings, the student reveals a deeper struggle with identity and purpose. Contrary to the widespread belief that IIT guarantees a bright future, the student feels adrift and uncertain. The pressure cooker environment fosters a sense of being lost, with the college resembling more of a suffocating institution than a nurturing learning environment.

The student’s candid reflection strikes a chord, resonating with countless others who may harbor similar doubts and frustrations. It’s a wakeup call for the institution to reassess its priorities and ensure that the lofty ideals of excellence and fairness are not just empty rhetoric but tangible realities for every student.

Ultimately, the purpose of education should not be reduced to a race for grades or a mere means to an end. It should be about nurturing curious minds, fostering critical thinking, and empowering individuals to navigate the complexities of the world with confidence and purpose.

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As IIT Bombay grapples with this wake-up call, it’s imperative to remember that education is not just about acquiring knowledge; it’s about empowering individuals to chart their own path, irrespective of the hurdles they may face along the way. Only then can the promise of supreme education truly be realized, not as a distant dream, but as a tangible reality for every student who passes through its gates.


Q: What specific issues did the IIT Bombay student highlight regarding the teaching methods at the institution?

A: The student expressed dissatisfaction with the fast-paced teaching style, where professors rush through material, sometimes completing an entire chapter in a single lecture. This approach was seen as detrimental to in-depth understanding and effective learning.

Q: How did the student describe the grading system at IIT Bombay?

A: According to the student, the grading system was heavily dependent on the subjectivity of Teaching Assistants (TAs), leading to inconsistencies and unfairness. They cited an example where identical assignments submitted by different students resulted in vastly different grades, undermining the credibility of the system.

Q: What impact did these academic challenges have on the student’s overall experience at IIT Bombay?

A: The student expressed feelings of frustration, disillusionment, and a sense of being lost. They described the college environment as stifling, lacking in enthusiasm, and feeling more like a school than a place of higher learning. These challenges contributed to a feeling of uncertainty about their future and a desire to complete their degree as quickly as possible.

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Q: How did the student’s experience contrast with the widely held perception of IIT as a “golden gateway to supreme education”?

A: While many people perceive IIT as a prestigious institution offering top-notch education and promising career opportunities, the student’s experience painted a different picture. They highlighted the gap between this idealized perception and the reality of their daily struggles with academic pressure, grading inconsistencies, and a lack of enthusiasm for learning.

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