Your Guide to the 2024 US Presidential Election

Your Guide to the 2024 US Presidential Election

As the 2024 US presidential election approaches, Americans are gearing up to choose their next leader. At the heart of this decision are two main political parties: the Democrats and the Republicans. The Democrats, led by current President Joe Biden, believe in things like civil rights, helping people in need, and tackling climate change. On the flip side, the Republicans, often called the GOP, are represented by former President Donald Trump. They stand for ideas such as lower taxes, smaller government, and stricter rules on who can come into the country and on abortion.

Now, let’s dive into how candidates get chosen and what happens during the election. To pick their presidential candidate, each party holds events in different states called primaries and caucuses. President Biden and former President Trump are the top picks for their parties. But there are also other folks running, like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who’s running independently. Once candidates are chosen, they start competing for something called electoral college votes. To win, they need to get at least 270 out of 538 votes. These votes come from different states, and each state gets a number based on how many people live there. So, while it’s important to get lots of votes from all over, the real focus is on winning the states where the race is super close.

The election isn’t just about picking a president, though. Voters will also be choosing people for Congress. That’s the group of folks who help make laws for the country. There are 435 seats in the House of Representatives and 33 seats in the Senate up for grabs. Right now, the Republicans control the House, and the Democrats control the Senate. This balance of power helps keep things fair and stops one group from having too much control. Anyone who’s a US citizen and 18 or older can vote in the election. Once the votes are counted, we usually find out who won on election night. Then, there’s a period where the new president gets ready to take over, which includes choosing people for important jobs and making plans for the future. Finally, in January, there’s a big ceremony called the inauguration where the new president officially starts their job. As the election gets closer, it’s essential for everyone to stay informed and take part in deciding the future of the country.

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