Bad Diet, High BP Responsible For Increased Global Deaths: Study

Bad Diet, High BP Responsible For Increased Global Deaths: Study 1

Researchers have wrapped up a study saying top factors of death were smoking, high blood pressure, high body mass index (BMI) and high fasting plasma glucose.

These factors have left behind other common ones that are considered for the reasons of deaths and those were unsafe drinking water, child and maternal malnutrition, poor sanitation and some other health risks.

The study was conducted earlier by researchers from Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), University of Washington and University of Melbourne.

The researchers studied 79 risk factors that caused death globally, in 188 countries, between the period of 1990 and 2013.

It was found the newly discovered risk factors caused about 31 million deaths across the world in 2013. In 1990 there were 25 million deaths due to these factors. It is also said the poor diet had more impact compared to other factors.

IHME director Dr Christopher Murray said health can be improved by avoiding factors like poor diet and smoking. Tracking environmental risks including air pollution is also suggested to track regularly to keep it healthy for breathing.

Researchers said the longevity of life lies in the hands of people.

Lead author of the study, Ali Mokdad, PhD, said there is no shortcut to the problems as there is no pill that can be suggested under such conditions. Realistic goals need to be set and at times people need to start with taking baby steps to learn how to change behaviour.

Mokdad is a professor at IHME for global health.

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