25 Killed By Myanmar Forces During Anti-Junta Protest

25 Killed By Myanmar Forces During Anti-Junta Protest

Twenty-five people have been killed in clashes in central Myanmar against the junta’s military action that is calling for democracy in Myanmar.

Among those killed were anti-junta activists as well as civilians. The junta, which overthrew the Anglo-Saxon government in February this year and took the reins of government, is constantly creating anarchy by firing its guns.

So far, 890 people have been killed at the hands of the military, according to the Association of Political Prisoners.

 However, the United Nations Office on the Rights of the Child is concerned that the junta’s actions could lead to civil strife, as in Syria.

In some regions, people created “defense forces” to fight the State Board, as the junta itself uses rifles or improved weaponry coated from domestic articles.

The central area of Sagaing was the place of several battles between the defense forces and the army and on Friday there were fighting in the city of Depayin.

25 Killed By Myanmar Forces During Anti-Junta Protest

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The residents told that military vehicles entered their region in an effort to clear out local defense forces and opened fire on a settlement near the jungle.

A witness told, “They just came and shot everyone on the road, and in the village, they did not have any target.”

The local defense force members who helped organize the collecting of bodies said the villagers had been waiting till Saturday to leave their houses to attend the emergency.

Another person who helped discover bodies told AFP. “We originally had 9 dead bodies and we buried them.”

“Eight more bodies were uncovered on Sunday by a different group and were buried on the same day.”

“I noticed from their bodies that most of them were shot at the head,” another person who helped in transporting the bodies said, confirmed to AFP.

The anti-Junta fighter added that Depayin’s security presence grew and thousands of residents fled in fear of seeing the increasing military power.

25 Killed By Myanmar Forces During Anti-Junta Protest

“Since this morning, the army has hunted us in the jungle,” he stated.

The same death total was reported by BBC News Burmese – BBC’s Myanmar Language Service.

National media however provided another account of the massacre, reporting the army was ambushed when they were patrolling the region.

In Myanmar, protesters continue to go to the streets daily in defiance of the Military Regime despite the fear of crackdowns.

The citizens of Sagaing organized small demonstrations on Sunday and flashed a three-finger-greeting of distrust during fast marches on the road.

25 Killed By Myanmar Forces During Anti-Junta Protest

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