All The Places to Use Baking Soda For Sanitizing Your House

All The Places to Use Baking Soda For Sanitizing Your House 1

I am in love with baking soda and whenever I get a chance, I always buy a bunch of boxes of baking soda and stock them because they are so efficient in cleaning stuff. You can basically clean-up almost everything using baking soda and we are sure that it will make the thing even cleaner. Today, we will be talking about various places to use baking soda in your household.


If you want to get rid of the smell and increase the efficiency of your drains you can use baking soda along with hot running water to clean the drain.

Washing machines

This is not much of a surprise as baking soda is popularly used to clean up shoes and clothes during the laundry but did you know that baking soda can be even more effective in making a great fabric softener whenever added to the wash.


There are so many benefits of baking soda that people often get amused by them. Among other things that you can easily clean using the baking soda, the refrigerator is one of those things. Your refrigerator can get very smelly after a few days and you can sprinkle a little bit of baking soda along with other mixtures to clean your refrigerator easily.

Pans and pots

No matter who you are, if you ever been to the kitchen and ever tried to clean the utensils used in the kitchen you may know that pans and pots are the greatest nemeses in the kitchen because no matter how useful they are, it is most difficult to clean them, but you can use baking soda along with copper and enamel pans in order to effectively get the job done.

Microwave oven

Baking soda is a great option to use for cleaning a microwave because a microwave can have a terrible odor, grease, and left food particles which can be easily removed using baking soda.


there are specific cleaners for each and everything but why go for the specific cleaners when you have baking soda at your home. Baking soda is one of the simplest methods that you will never find in order to get rid of tough stains that get stuck in your oven along with residual odors and grease. Baking soda can come very handy


Many people often spend a lot of money on buying dishwasher detergent because dishes are a very important part of the kitchen that must be clean. You can use baking soda along with a little borax to effectively clean your dishwasher without having to use expensive dishwashing detergent.


It is a well-known fact that trash can be very smelly and there is nothing we can do because it is actually trash. Sprinkling some of the baking soda on the bottom of the trash can be very effective in cleaning and removing odors from the trash can.

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