Best Home Fitness Machines for a Home Gym

Best Home Fitness Machines for a Home Gym 1

Home fitness equipment offers a convenient and private method of keeping fit and losing weight. While some people have space for several exercise machines, most only have room for one or perhaps two items; it is therefore essential to compare costs and benefits of each type of cardiovascular machine in order to make the right purchase. This article discusses the benefits of some of the most popular types of home exercise machine.

Home Fitness Equipment

Electronic exercise machines made specifically for home use start from as little as a few hundred pounds and are far cheaper that those found in fitness gyms as they are not intended for heavy use. Before even looking at a product, it is worth asking how often the machine is likely to be used and if, planning a serious weight loss or fitness training program, consider spending more on a medium priced fitness machine that is more robust.

Exercise Cycles

Exercise bikes are one of the most popular items of fitness equipment. They are easy to use for people of any age and offer a good, low impact, cardiovascular workout without putting strain on knees, ankles and hips; they are therefore excellent for people recovering from knee or ankle injuries. Recumbent cycles are available with a back support and horizontal seating for those who suffer from back pain. Prices range from £100 to over £2000 for commercial gym quality machines.

Indoor Rowing Machines

Rowing machines exercise almost all major upper and lower body muscle groups and are a good choice for those looking for an all round exercise machine, especially when top quality machines like the Concept 2 rower start from under £1000. Like exercise bikes, they offer a low impact workout but those with back problems should be cautious as a strong rowing action could strain the lower back. Entry level prices start from under £100.

Elliptical Trainers

Also known as cross trainers, elliptical machines exercise both the lower body, revolving the legs in a smooth oval shape, and the upper body via forward and back motion of the arms. They offer a safe workout as there is no stress placed on either legs or arms. Prices start from as little as £200 for a compact model but the complex mechanics in a cross trainer mean that a higher price has to be paid for a reasonable quality elliptical trainer versus a bike or a rower. Top quality machines cost over £3000 and a larger space is required to both use and store a cross trainer when not in use.

Home Gym Machines

Before investing in a home gym machine, consider the type of workout required and how often the machine is likely to be used plus ensure there is adequate space in the home to both use and store the product. Cheap machines look attractive and may be fine if only used a few times but serious users should consider spending more for better quality that will last.

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