Chocolates are bad for health, they can increase your cavity, you will gain weight if you eat chocolate and what not we hear every time we pop that last bite of the cocoa goodness in our mouth.
Earlier some researchers concluded that eating chocolate while studying could increase your memory power and now another research states that chocolate is all for good moods.
Although some studies have already shown that dark chocolates are good for the heart and provide good health. This study by South-Korean researchers has recently revealed more. Their findings show that the ingredients in chocolate can stay in our digestive system making us healthier due to the effect it has on the microbes that are good for us.
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85% of dark chocolate bars can improve people’s moods. Cocoa in dark chocolate contains fiber and iron, as well as phytochemicals that can effectively prevent many problems such as cancer, dementia, arthritis, heart disease, and stroke, according to research conducted by the Department of Humanities at the National University of Seoul’s College of Human Studies at Seoul.
Although so far little is known about the relationship of chocolate to positive emotions with this latest research, researchers are becoming more and more aware of how they affect moods.
The organizers asked the participants to review their ‘Positive and Negative Affect schedules (PANAS) and express their feelings by giving them chocolates three times a day in limited doses. It was then revealed that the highest number of positives were recorded on the ‘Psychological’ Scale ‘when looking at the content revealed from the candidates, which showed that chocolates could effectively contribute to the elevation of moods.

Not only that … People who eat chocolates like this also perform constipation tests. The analysis of those tests revealed that their stool contained high levels of the probiotic bacterium ‘Blavosia’, which increased their chances of being happy and cheerful due to the presence of this type of bacteria in the stomach (gut). The results of this study were recently published in The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, a medical journal.
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