Compost and Soil Amendments for Healthy Roses

Compost and Soil Amendments for Healthy Roses 1

Soil that has compost worked into it has a structure and texture that’s ideal for roses. It retains water, but doesn’t become soggy and sour. It contains beneficial microorganisms and micronutrients, as well as the essential nutrients nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Plus, soil that’s rich with compost needs less water and fertilizer, meaning less work for the gardener.

The following soil amendments are inexpensive and can be found at most garden centers:

-Alfalfa meal or pellets can be added to the soil to provide an organic, well-balanced, slow-release fertilizer.
-Blood meal provides nitrogen, essential for healthy flowers and foliage
-Bone meal gives the rose a dose of phosphorus and calcium, for strong roots
-Cottonseed meal is an excellent source of nitrogen
-Kelp meal gives roses a slow, steady dose of potassium and micronutrients, and stimulates the rosebush’s growth; potassium regulates water absorption in plants
-Fish meal and fish emulsion provides nitrogen
-Epsom salts provide magnesium sulfate; apply 1-4 Tbsp. to soil around base of rose bush each spring
-Soybean meal gives a rose magnesium, nitrogen and micronutrients
-Greensand provides trace minerals as well as iron oxide, lime, phosphoric acid and potash
-Each of these soil amendments are relatively inexpensive and can be purchased at most gardening centers.

Selecting appropriate rose varieties for the location and climate and providing them with soil that’s rich in nutrients and microorganisms are the first, most basic steps to take when starting an organic rose garden. Making the extra effort at this beginning stage will create healthier plants that will require less effort in the long run.

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