War Between Cyclists and Motorists

War Between Cyclists and Motorists 1

All was going well for the bicycle, but just around the corner was the introduction of the mass produced, assembly line car. Prices dropped, making the car affordable. The bicycle soon found itself pushed to the side of the road.

The most common reason cited for not cycling is the perceived danger of the roads. This is a valid concern. Some roads, with no provision for cyclists, are best avoided. There are other roads that do provide clearly delineated on-road cycle tracks. These are good options. Best of all are the off-road bike tracks. These frequently have the nicest scenery, least noise and freshest air as they are situated away from cars and in natural settings. They make for very pleasant riding.

When it comes to cycling, safety is a matter of personal judgment. Some feel safe on busy roads by remaining visible and alert to traffic. New riders, however, may want to start by taking their bike to an off road path where the risk of an accident is minimal.

When care is taken, bike riding is a very safe form of exercise that can be enjoyed with friends or family. The benefits are many, including improved health and happiness. The environment also benefits, as the cyclist emits no pollution.

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