How to Use Buddhist Teachings to Find Happiness

How to Use Buddhist Teachings to Find Happiness 1

Happiness is something that everyone seeks and His Holiness the Dalai Lama understands this perfectly as he guides and inspires people all across the world to be happy and peaceful.

Using ancient beliefs and teachings of Buddhism, as well as common wisdom, the Dalai Lama illustrates how everyone can find happiness. Here are a few ways to experience happiness as described by His Holiness in various books.

The Dalai Lama on Finding Happiness

The pursuit of happiness is universal and age-old. The Dalai Lama or Kundun (“presence”) as he is referred to by the Tibetans, understands this perfectly. In his book titled 365 Dalai Lama: Daily Advice from the Heart, he explains that, “Every single being, even those who are hostile to us, is just as afraid of suffering as we are, and seeks happiness in the same way as we do.”

In The Art of Happiness in a Troubled World, the Dalai Lama is quoted as saying, “I believe the very purpose of our life is to seek happiness.” His Holiness firmly believes that finding happiness is a “reasonable goal” and one that is “achievable through training the mind.” It is not surprising, therefore, that when Howard Cutler in The Art of Happiness asks His Holiness, “Are you happy?” Kundun can unhesitatingly say, “yes.”

He believes that human beings have the ability to create happiness for the self and for others. Moreover, this influential Buddhist figure advises people to think of others as they develop compassion and selflessness, since it is “… unthinkable to be happy all by oneself,” according to Daily Advice from the Heart. In his book The Power of Buddhism, he discussed how anyone who excludes others will also be excluded () and so, advocates being more accepting towards others, not holding grudges and letting go of anger.

Finding Happiness Through Buddhism Teachings

Buddhism teaches introspection and reflection in order to experience inner peace, which in turn, will lead to happiness. Sallie B. King writes in Being Benevolence, “The Dalai Lama claims, “The principal characteristic of genuine happiness is…inner peace.”

So, if one is peaceful within, it will be easy to be happy. Teachings of Buddhism include inculcating compassion, kindness and selflessness, all of which are qualities that His Holiness believes will help humankind to experience true happiness.

The Dalai Lama, in The Art of Happiness in a Troubled World, says that happiness can be found through “inner discipline,” which essentially involves, “identifying those factors which lead to happiness and those factors which lead to suffering.” By removing the latter and nurturing the former, some believe that one can find greater happiness and joy in life.

The Buddhism Belief of Happiness for All

Buddhist beliefs involve a strong emphasis on equality and togetherness. The Dalai Lama has repeatedly stressed the importance of harmony and unity in many forums and books. Buddhism involves the belief that everyone has the “Buddha Nature” and therefore, the desire and ability to be kind and compassionate. By recognizing the “Buddha Nature” in everyone, it is possible to not just find happiness for one’s own self but also, to help others in becoming happy.

In Daily Advice from the Heart, the Dalai Lama writes, “Loving thought and actions are clearly beneficial for our physical and mental health. They express our true nature.” Once one is able to tap into this “true nature,” happiness will be a natural outcome. Everyone is equal and hence, entitled to find and experience happiness.

Buddhism teaches compassion, acceptance, kindness and above all, the right to happiness. His Holiness gives the simplest advice by suggesting that people use kind words, a friendly and forgiving nature and a helpful hand to everyone in order to experience real happiness.

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