Lancet Study on Post Covid Lifestyle

Lancet Study on Post Covid Lifestyle 1

Does everyone know how long to do the minimum amount of physical activity per day? The Lancet study is concerned that one in four people will not get the minimum amount of physical activity in a changing lifestyle.

post covid lifestyle

 Mainly young people are on screen for at least two hours a day and do not devote even a quarter of their time to exercise. The effect of this will not be felt on the next generation as well as on their future lives. The Lancet’s research on the impact of physical activity and sports on health every four years. The research, which has been conducted every time during the Olympics since 2012, is being published in the Taluk Journal. Has recently released a third research series. Those details are as follows.

About a quarter of people are away from physical activity

A quarter (25 percent) of the current population stays away from physical activity. covid‌ has become an obstacle in the process of increasing awareness of exercise. A person who is not physically active is more likely to develop lifestyle diseases quickly. In this context, the World Health Organization has decided to make exercise mandatory and set a target of reducing the distance from a physical activity from 25 percent to 15 percent.

Connection to each other

Reducing the use of vehicles with things like walking and cycling will reduce air pollution. Slightly reducing the use of gadgets and other technological devices will have an impact on global warming. The WHO says all such factors will change weather conditions. Physical education should be expanded. Expenditure in each school and college should be given as a subject and classwork and homework should be given. Proposed to give priority to active travel.

post covid world

A few more things that came to light in the research

About 80 percent of the 25 percent who stay away from physical activity are from middle-income and lower-income countries.

20% of the world’s population suffers from lifestyle diseases due to not exercising properly.

Exercising an average of 20-30 minutes a day and at least 150 minutes a week can stave off BP, diabetes, heart, and muscle-related diseases.

Research shows that 62% of paraplegics have less physical activity than necessary.

Worldwide, 24 percent of the population is between the ages of 10-24. 80% of them are away from physical activity.

Searching for sports and exercise words on Google has been on the rise since 2008.

Awareness should be raised from an early age

Childhood obesity is 19.3 percent, according to the 2020 Projected Census. This can lead to high BP, cholesterol, growth, and pre-diabetic problems in children. To get out of this, parents should be responsible for giving priority to physical activity from an early age. -Dr. Kishore Eega, Professor of Pediatrics

A changed lifestyle with covid

Currently, about half of those who come to the hospital have ortho problems. There has been a lot of change in lifestyle in the wake of covid‌-19. Most of the time is spent in one place, in the same way with work from home, online classes, and so on. It is best to take small precautions such as turning around rather than sitting still for too long. – Dr. Suresh Chikatla, Spine Surgeon, KIMS

Advance strategy is required

The misfortunes that arise if not exercised should be prevented with precautionary strategies. Governments are spending huge budgets on medical treatments. Activities should be designed and implemented on the proper awareness of not falling ill and the choice of exercise under mandatory measures. –  A  Medical Professor 

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