10 Skin Care Tips That Dermatologists Approve

10 Skin Care Tips That Dermatologists Approve

Flawless, glowing happy skin is a dream for all of us but with tons of skin care routines on the internet and new makeup hitting the shelf every now and then you are the dream of flawless skin will turn into a nightmare.

You do not follow the simple routine of drinking water, getting proper sleep, washing your face but run behind popular beauty routine some celebrity puts on the internet.

The vital elements to keep your skin happy and glowing are to eat your supplements, have a maximum of 8-hour sleep, and drink plenty of water.

Although here are some skin care tips that a dermatologist would approve:

Don’t use too many products

Layering your skin with too much make-up and other skin care products will potentially cause a breakout and clog the pores in your skin. Experimenting with products that don’t suit your skin will have serious effects on your skin. Choose only those products that are suitable for your skin tone.

Moisturize twice a day

Don’t let your skin dry off moisturize your skin right after you get out of the shower and before you go to bed.

Exfoliate at least once a week

Exfoliate your skin at least once a week with a product that is pH neutral this way your skin is exfoliated without drying.

Don’t just limit exfoliation to your face your body needs to be exfoliated too otherwise the skin cells can make your skin look sulky.

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Eat your greens

It is very tempting to grab a cup of coffee or a slice of pizza now and then. As appealing as it is dermatologists would ask you to avoid it and shift to a healthier and more green diet. It will transform your skin just within a couple of days.

Avoid caffeine, dairy products, and all junk foods.

10 Skin Care Tips That Dermatologists Approve

Avoid direct heat exposure

Use sunscreen throughout the year whether you are inside the home or outside. UV rays can be very harmful to skin going out in the sun with bare skin can cause inflammation besides you should also get to close heaters of any other heating equipment, this can cause serious skin damage.


Vitamins are not only restricted to the body but they should go to your skin too earlier people used to cut the vitamin tablets and apply the serum for the skin but now we have nourishing essential oils and creams that contain vitamin serums.

Apply them right after cleansing your skin this way they will permeate in your skin; you can also blend them with sunscreen to keep your skin hydrated.

Stick to a simple skincare routine

If you have found the right products for your skin and have got a good result out of them, stick to it don’t change products according to trend and cause damage to your skin cells, stick to a simple routine of washing your face twice, cleansing, moisturizing and exfoliating every now and then.

And keep the cleanser and moisturizer as the key elements of your routine.

Don’t pick your skin

If you wish for clear skin you got to stop picking at your skin. Constantly touching your face can transfer a lot of germs and bacteria to your face in turn causing breakouts and making it vulnerable. For beautiful and fresh skin keep your hands off of your face.

Don’t sleep with makeup

Removing your making should be your number one priority no matter how tired you are. Leaving your makeup overnight is a big mistake. Your makeup can mix with dust, impurities, and oil which can cause blemishes overnight. Use micellar water and cotton pads to clean your makeup.

 Sleep right

If you are having a busy life you would definetly skip a lot of your sleep time and this is a red flag for your skin health. Dermatologists suggest a good 8-hour rest for you and your skin is a must to have a fresh mind and fresh skin to kick start the day.

Also Read: 10 ways to take care of your skin without beauty products

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