Different Types of Tea and The Health Benefits of Tea

Different Types of Tea and The Health Benefits of Tea

People all over the world love drinking tea, tea has been with us for centuries and is evolving in various ways. Studies have found that tea has many hidden benefits they can help you in fighting cancer, diabetics, heart diseases, and for weight loss it doesn’t stop at that it also helps your mental health by soothing your anxiety.

Benefits of Tea:

Antioxidants and components found in tea help lower cholesterol and other chronic diseases. Let’s see what are the other benefits of tea.

Weight Management

various scientific research has proven that regular tea drinking can contribute to a reduction in body fat by accelerates calorie burning. Tea is healthy and fewer calories drink better than soda.

Hydrates Your Body

Water is the primary fluid to keep your body hydrated, but some studies see tea will keep you hydrated and active for a long day.

Heart Disease

A study was conducted on tea drinkers and non-tea drinkers at the end of the study the results showed people who drink tea has lower cholesterol and blood pressure than those who didn’t.

Boost Memory Power

Different Types of Tea and The Health Benefits of Tea

Specific teas like green tea can help boost your memory, can reinforce your memory cells, and provide protection against cognitive diseases.


Tea can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes; especially green tea keeps your sugar level in check and prevents the surge.

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 Tooth Decay

Tea is an excellent fluoride source that can strengthen the enamel of the tooth.   Antioxidants in a nice cup of tea are also believed to combat bacteria and gum disease.

Beat Cancer

Studies have not shown that drinking tea contributes to reducing cancer risk. Some research indicates tea drinkers may be less likely to develop certain forms of cancer, although these results are not confirmed in other studies. It is still unclear if the use of tea will reduce your cancer risk.

Types of Healthy Tea

Green Tea

Different Types of Tea and The Health Benefits of Tea

Green tea is originated from China and pan-roasted in the Japanese method i.e., basically steaming them.

The amount of flavonoids is exceptionally high in green tea which contributes to your cardiovascular health by reducing blood clots and bad cholesterols.

 Green tea can also contribute to lower blood pressure and triacylglycerols.

Green tea is effective against liver, breast, and colorectal cancer. It also has anti-inflammatory elements that help to keep your skin clean and bright.

In recent years a new flavor of green tea has become popular and has become an own tea product itself, i.e, matcha tea, if you want to try something new and healthy you can try this green drink.

Black Tea

Different Types of Tea and The Health Benefits of Tea

Black Tea is made from the same plant that is used to make green tea, the Camellia sinensis plant. The process of making black tea leaves is different they are fermented and dried.

Unlike other teas black tea has caffeine and you should be careful about its consumption. You can benefit from flavonoids which fight inflammation and help your immune function system and also reduce skin rashes.

Oolong Tea

Different Types of Tea and The Health Benefits of Tea

Wu long or oolong tea is another Chinese-originated drink that helps best to burn calories, boost the immune system, prevent obesity.

It has similar benefits to green tea but if you don’t like the mild taste of green tea you can switch to oolong tea which has a much sweeter and pleasant taste.

Though many research and studies pinning and pointing the benefits of tea put tea in your diet plan and beware of using sugar.

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