Forms of Spiritual Energy Healings for the Body

Forms of Spiritual Energy Healings for the Body 1

Touch Therapy is based on the belief that all human beings are energy fields or an energy system, and that any illness or pain is simply a blockage somewhere in their energy system. The role of the practitioner is to detect the blocks or malalignments in the client’s energy field and then send them positive energy through the palms of their hands using Universal Life Force Energy, which is the energy that acts and lives in all created matter and that supports and sustains life.

What is Touch Therapy?

Discovered by nurse and theosophist Dolores Krieger and Dora Kunz in the 1970s, Touch Therapy is based on the deep seeded instinct that tells people that human touch is healing. Practitioners who are in the various modalities of touch therapy all use this concept to aid their clients.

The practitioner moves their hands lightly over the client’s body, searching for energy imbalances. This can be detected through sensations such as heat, cold, tingling, pulsation, electric shock or tightness. Once they have detected the area of dis-ease, the practitioner will move or redistribute the negative energy, enabling the body to come back into balance and allow the positive energy flow, reconnecting it to the Universal Life Force Energy.

Benefits of Touch Therapy

Touch therapy can treat and cure a wide variety of illnesses such as heart disease, stress and infections. It relaxes the body and stimulates circulation and immune function. It helps to dissolve physical, emotional and mental tension within the body and the energy field. This release permits rapid removal of toxins and blockages enhancing the normal flow of life energy. It clears, strengthens and heals energy pathways allowing the life force to flow in a natural and healthy way, according to the International Center for Reiki Training.

Types of Touch Therapy

There are various forms of Touch Therapy such as Reiki, Mahi Kari, Muri El, Therapeutic Touch and Jo Ray. Though they all use the concept of working with the client’s energy as well as the Universal Life Force Energy, but vary slightly in their techniques and terminology.

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